Idaho license plates have become a point of pride and a pillar of identity for many in our state. Corvette enthusiasts are no exception.
As it turns out, there is more behind the emblem on the plate than a roaring engine; there’s a passion for elevating our Idaho communities by helping children in need.
Deanna Miller of Valley Corvettes explains:
Idaho is the only state in the US that has the Corvette emblem available on custom license plates. Each time a Corvette license plate is purchased at the DMV, the money is allocated to various children’s charities throughout Idaho through the Valley Corvette club. Since 2003, over $307,000.00 has been donated to Idaho 501(c)3 charities including Camp Hodia, Christian Children Youth Ranch, Boys and Girls Clubs, Toys for Tots, Personal Ponies, Amtrikes, and more.
The club is accustomed to selling over 1,000 plates each year, however the legislature has recently changed the minimum threshold to 2,000 plates sold to allow the club to collect the fees for their charity. So far in 2020, they have sold 1,209. If they do not sell at least 791 more plates by June 30th 2021, they will not receive their charity funds.
Deanna is one of about 200 members of the Valley Corvette club. She is a passionate advocate for the club culture, and shows a heartfelt commitment to the sales of the plates. Her first Corvette was an aqua marine blue 1994 Coup. She currently drives a bright orange 2012 Grand Sport – it goes really fast. She explained that you do not have to own a Corvette to be a part of the club, rather, a Corvette enthusiast. It is only $60 a year to join Valley Corvettes and they meet every month on the first Saturday excluding holidays. Not in the Treasure Valley? Maybe the Snake River Corvettes or South East Idaho Corvettes clubs are closer to home.
“When I have the plate on the car, I am driving for a child in Idaho.”
Next time you see Corvette license plates passing you on the highway, you know what the emblem really stands for.
You don’t have to have a Corvette to purchase a Corvette license plate. If you are interested in purchasing a plate to support children’s charities in Idaho, follow this link.
If you are interested in learning more about the club, go here.