Curious what’s going on in your neck of the woods? Check out this calendar of events throughout the state!
The following was published in the Idaho Magazine.
Idaho magazine has been publishing stories directly from local Idahoans since 2001. These stories illustrate the roots of our state and help connect us all through the history of our communities. You can order a printed copy of Idaho Magazine here, or check them out online to learn more.
Northern Idaho
9/30-10/2 Lewis County Fair: Nezperce
9/30-10/2 Fall for History Festival. “Wallace, the Wicked Past,” Northern Pacific Railroad Depot Museum, Wallace
1 Clearwater Grange Annual Chili Feed & Silent Auction: Clearwater
1 Courageous Kids Climbing: All day! Part of the Apple Cider Festival, Riggins
1-2 Panhandle Preparedness EXPO, Bonner County Fairgrounds, Sandpoint
1-2 SRAG Regional Art Show and Sale: Juried event and sale. Fine art, artisan gift shop, and people’s choice. Free Admission. 10 AM – 5 PM Saturday, 10 AM – 3 PM, Sunday. Riggins
1,8,15 Farmers Market: Sandpoint
1-29 Long Camp Farmer’s Market: SATURDAYS: Kamiah
4 Storytime: 10 AM – 10:30 AM, Community Library Network, Harrison
8 Moscowberfest: 4 PM – 8 PM, Chamber of Commerce, 411 S Main St. Moscow
22 Women’s Health Seminar 2022: A day filled with health speakers, lunch, giveaways and prizes. Blood pressure checks and information tables also available. Free admission, but RSVP is required, as space is limited. Adults only please. Contact 509-447-2441 ext. 4373. Priest River Event Center, Priest River
27 Kamiah Chamber of Commerce “October Costume Contest”: Kamiah
29 Fall Fest & Apple Palooza: 10 AM – 3 PM, Downtown Coeur d’Alene
30 The Life Center “Trunk-or-Treat”: Kamiah
Southwestern Idaho
9/30-10/2 Fall Home Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
1 Old Town Oktoberfest: 10 AM – 4 PM, Generations Plaza, Meridian
1 Museum Work Day: 8 AM. Volunteers Welcome. Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Speaker, Eric Yensen, OJSMNH: “Results of Curernt Research”. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
1 Annual Harvest Festival: 1 PM – 6 PM, Foote Park, Middleton
1 Project Appleseed 25M Rifle Clinic: Parma
1 Idaho City Woodland Fun Run: 10 AM, Idaho City
1 See Spot Walk: Free. 10 AM, Julia Davis Park, Boise
1,8,15 Main Street Market: 9 AM – 2 PM, 33 E Broadway Ave. Meridian
2 Green Acres Food Truck: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Green Acres Food Truck Park, 1401 Shoreline Dr., Boise
4 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: FREE to any and all veterans! The general public is also welcome; regular admission charges will apply. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. 10 AM, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
4-25 Preschool Storytime with Ms. Gabby: TUESDAYS. Books and songs and more! Storytime is geared toward ages 2 to 5, but all are welcome. 8 PM – 8:30 PM, Meridian Library District, 1326 W Cherry Ln, Meridian
4-25 Free tours of the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial: TUESDAYS. 12:15 PM – 1 PM, 770 S 8th St., Boise
7 Kids Duathlon: Noon, Garden City
7-9 BSU Parent and Family Weekend: Boise State University, Boise
8 WalkAbout Boise: 10 AM – 11:30 AM, Basque Museum and Cultural Center, Boise
8 Idaho Senior Lifestyle Expo: 3 PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
8 Dogtoberfest: 1 PM – 5 PM, Indian Creek Plaza, Caldwell
8 Girls Day Out Expo: 4 PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
8-9 Idaho Renaissance Faire: Kuna Greenbelt, Kuna
8-9 Harvest Festival: Bohemian Bloom and Herb farm, 2230 E Dunyon St., Eagle
10-11 Indigenous Peoples’ Day: EverWild Forest School, 930 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Boise
13 Night of Champions: Special Olympics Idaho; 5:30 PM – 9 PM, Civic Center, Nampa
14-15 2022 Vurbmoto Shred Tour: Motocross; Skyline MX Park and Event Center, Kuna
15 October Dinner: 6 PM – 9 PM, The Basque Center, Boise
15 CEC Halloween Hauntings Play Day: 4 PM, 5485 Adams Rd., New Plymouth
15 Pause, Look & Listen: Join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience. We will spend most of the hour sitting, socially distanced, while allowing birds to come to us. 9 AM – 10 AM, at the Shakespeare Festival Grounds, 5657 E Warm Springs Ave., Boise
17 Terry Reilly Mobile Clinic: 9 AM – 1 PM, YMCA, Caldwell
18 Homeschool Day – Engineering Day: 10 AM – 11:30 AM, Boise WaterShed, 11818 Joplin Rd, Boise
22 Toy Show: 10 AM – 5 PM, Wahooz Family Fun Zone, Meridian
27 Trunk or Treat: Date: 6 PM – 9 P.M., Downtown Meridian
28 YMCA Halloween Run: Boise
28-30 Gem Faire: Expo Idaho, Garden City
29 WalkAbout Boise: 10 AM – 11:30 AM, Basque Museum and Cultural Center, Boise
29 Halloween Artisan & Vendor Fair: 10 AM – 3 PM, Emmett
29-30 Trucks ‘n Treats: A Kid Friendly Truck Show w/ Costume Contest for all ages! Prizes for Adults, Teens, Kids, and Toddlers/Babies. 11 PM Saturday to 2 PM Sunday.1406 N Galleria Dr., Nampa
Southern Idaho
1 Vintage Vixens Market: 10 AM – 7 PM, Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, Filer
1 Firewise Landscaping: Workshop. The guest speaker is the manager of the Idaho Firewise Garden in Boise. Free admission. 1:00PM – 2:00PM, Orton Botanical Garden, 867 Filer Avenue West, Twin Falls
1,8 Farmers Market: 9 AM – 1 PM, Jerome Farmers Market, Jerome
23 Halloween party: Street Carnivals, Ghost Tours, Family Friendly Events, Spooky Costume Parties, Pub Crawls, Eerie Twin Falls Attractions, Halloween Horror Nights and more. 11 PM, 1542 Bel-Air Cir., Twin Falls
Central Idaho
1,8 Community Farmers Market: 10 AM – 1 PM, Centennial City Park Pavilion, Challis
5-9 Trailing of the Sheep Festival: Roberta McKercher Park, Hailey
29 Courageous Kids Climbing: Climbing at the Wood River Community YMCA 1 PM – 3 PM, Ketchum
Eastern Idaho
1-31 U-Pick Red Barn. Open 10:30 AM – 8 PM Mon-Sat
Idaho Falls
1 Oktoberfest: 4 PM – 11 PM, Lava Hot Springs
1 OktoBEARfest: 4 PM – 7 PM, Zoo Idaho, Pocatello
1,8 Farmers’ Market: 9 AM – 1 PM, 501 W Broadway, Idaho Falls
5-26 Special Needs Story Hour: Wed. 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Public Library, 420 N Bridge St, St Anthony
7 Glow Light Party: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park, Idaho Falls
7-8 East Idaho Senior Living Expo: “Catch The Wellness Wave”. Expertise from the best in the business, free screenings, and activities for all Senior Citizens. Grand Teton Mall, Idaho Falls
7-29 Haunted History Walking Tours: Visit haunted buildings. Go inside to learn more about the history of the building and experience for yourself any haunted activity taking place. Weekends only. Historic Downtown Pocatello
8 Annual Rock, Gem & Jewelry Sale: 3 PM – 11 PM, Bonneville County Fairgrounds, Idaho Falls
8 Bring your kids and join us for Potato Harvest at the Lava Hot Springs Indoor Swimming Pool. For Ages 3-12. Water Games will go from 11 AM – 1 PM. Open swim will be from 3 PM – 8 PM. Lava Hot Springs
11,18,25 Open Mic Night: Are you the future American Idol? Future Stand Up Comedy king? Battle of the Bands winner? Come perform or watch the performers! This is Free! 7 PM – 9 PM, Manwaring Center, BYU Idaho, Rexburg
15 2nd Annual R1 Car Show: 10 AM – 3 PM, Mel Erickson Sunnyside Park, Idaho Falls
22 Fall Fossil Fest 2022: A fun, hands-on day of fossils! Learn how dinosaurs roamed Idaho, see the Buzzsaw Shark in action, and make your own footprints. 11 AM – 3 PM, Idaho Museum of Natural History, 698 E Dillon St., Pocatello
22 Halloween Horse Show: This is one of a four-part series culminating in High Point Championship Prizes for each division for riders who become members! Each show will consist of equitation, jumper, flat, and specialty classes. This show series and courses will be educational and fun for both horses and riders, set in an encouraging and relaxed atmosphere. 9 AM, Clockwork Farms, 11095 S 15th E Idaho Falls
22 Halloween Festival! All Are Welcome. FREE. 10 AM, Elks Lodge, Pocatello
29 Zoo Boo: Put on your Halloween costumes and come to the Zoo for trick or treating, costume contests, games, crafts, and more! 10 AM – 3 PM. Zoo Idaho, 2900 South 2nd Ave, Pocatello
31 Trick-or-Treat Downtown: 3 PM – 5:30 PM, Historic Downtown Pocatello