Curious what’s going on in your neck of the woods? Check out this calendar of events throughout the state!
The following was published in the Idaho Magazine.
Idaho magazine has been publishing stories directly from local Idahoans since 2001. These stories illustrate the roots of our state and help connect us all through the history of our communities. You can order a printed copy of Idaho Magazine here, or check them out online to learn more.
Southwestern Idaho
1 Family Night Out: Cooking class. Flavors and foods of the Mediterranean region including a delicious baked falafel and fresh and colorful veggie dish. All ages (Youth under 16 must be accompanied by an enrolled adult). Cost: $16 per person. Register at 208-608-7680.
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM, Boise Urban Garden School, 2995 N Five Mile Rd. Boise
1 The High Kings Concert: Irish Music at it’s Best! $20 $25 $35 Adult, $10 $15 $20 Child/Student. 7 PM Jewett Auditorium, C of I, Caldwell
1 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: FREE to any and all veterans! The general public is welcome, but admission rates do apply.
10 AM-Noon, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
3 First Thursday: Downtown Boise
3-6 Idaho Sportsman Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
5 36th Annual Chili Cook Off:
11 AM – 2 PM, Idaho City
5 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8 AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Amy Dolan and Ron Bitner, “Bees”. The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3/5-5/22 Art Exhibit: “Contemporary Cuban Art: History, Identity, and Materiality”, from the collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Boise Art Museum, Julia Davis Park, Boise
4-5 2022 ISSA State Snowmobile Ride: The Ride is hosted by the Warm Lake Riders Association, and all snowmobilers are welcome. North Shore Lodge and Resort, McCall
5-6 65th Annual Rock and Gem Show: O’Connor Field House, Caldwell
8 Indianhead Fly Fishers: 7 PM – 10 PM, Idaho Pizza Company, Weiser
9 Wednesday Morning Birders:
9 AM – 11 AM, Esther Simplot Park, Boise
10 Thursday Afternoon Read: Join the Caldwell Public Library book club at 2 PM, as we discuss the latest books. Ages 18+. Check https://www.caldwellpubliclibrary.org/thursday-afternoon-reads for information about the books to be discussed. Public Library, Caldwell
10 Gem State Fiddlers: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM, Weiser Community Center, Weiser
11 Brigham Young University Living Legends: Celebrating the native cultural heritage of North and South America and the South Pacific, Living Legends presents a vibrant spectacle of energy, music, costume, and dance.$15-$20 Adult ; $8-$10 Child, 7 PM, Caldwell High School, Caldwell
11-13 49th Boise Roadster Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
12 The Idaho Wild West Seminar: The event will hold its annual program Saturday, March 12th, 2022 at the museum in Murphy, from 9 AM – 3:30 PM. There is no charge for the event. Murphy
12 Courageous Kids Climbing: For children with special needs (developmental or physical) who would like to learn to climb, soar and experience an exciting new adventure. 10 AM – Noon, Vertical View, 1334 E Bird Dog Dr., Meridian
17 Thursday Evening Read: Join the Caldwell Public Library book club at 6:30 PM, as we discuss the latest books. Ages 18+. Check https://www.caldwellpubliclibrary.org/thursday-afternoon-reads for the books to be discussed. Public Library, Caldwell
19 “Pause, Look, and Listen” Birding Event: Join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience. The ‘Pause, Look, & Listen’ series focuses on a stationary and holistic approach to observing birds and being in nature. 9 AM – 10 AM, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 E Warm Springs Ave, Boise
3/19-4/30 4th Annual Land Art Exhibit: Site-specific art pieces all made from natural materials like clay, leaves, seeds, stones, wood, and wool. 9 AM – 5 PM, Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise
21–25 Spring Break Activities: Free STEM activities at BLOCKFest™ building stations. KEVA® planks, large foam blocks, small counting cubes and more will be available around the exhibit hall for children of all ages to build and play. Free timed tickets will be available here approximately one month prior to the event. Two sessions to choose from: 10 AM – 11 AM or 11 AM – Noon. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W Joplin Rd, Boise
23 Mobile Food Pantry: Organized by the Idaho Foodbank. 12:15 PM – 2 PM,
211 19th Ave N, Nampa
23-28 Treefort Music Fest, Boise
25-27 Boise Flower & Garden Show: Boise Centre, Boise
26 2022 Expo 4-H Mustang Trainer Trail Challenge: 4-H clubs that have been training mustangs since January 29th will showcase their horses at a Trail Challenge! Event is open to the public and the 4-H youth will start showing promptly at
10 AM. The horses being shown will then be available for adoption at the Idaho Horse Expo, April 10th. Location: S. Pleasant Valley Road, Boise
26 Oregon Shadow Theatre presents PUSS IN BOOTS: Live voices and Cajun, Zydeco and Caribbean music give spicy flavor to this production. 11 AM. El Korah Shrine, 1118 West Idaho Street (downstairs), Boise
3/31-4/2 Idaho FRC Regional Competition: Robotics team competition. Contacts: llallissskogsberg@firstinspires.org . Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
3/31-4/3 Moppet Togs: Children’s Consignment Sale, North Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City blocks, small counting cubes and more will be available around the exhibit hall for children of all ages to build and play. Free timed tickets will be available here approximately one month prior to the event. Two sessions to choose from:
10 AM – 11 AM or 11AM – Noon. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W Joplin Rd, Boise
Central Idaho
3-31 Sun Valley Culinary Institute Tours: THURSDAYS. Free tours open to the general public, 1 PM. Sun Valley Culinary Institute, 211 N Main St., Ketchum
20 Breakfast at the Legion Hall:
8 AM – 10 AM. American Legion Hall, Challis
Eastern Idaho
5 Idaho Bridal Fair 2022: 9 AM – 2 PM, Red Lion Hotel, Pocatello
7 2022 Telemark Festival: 10:30 AM – 4 PM, Pebble Creek Ski Area, Inkom
7 Donuts with Grown Ups: PTO will be providing a FREE Donut with Grown-up event in the Cafeteria and Gym to celebrate the end of 1st Trimester!! Bring one grown-up to school and eat donuts together.
7:45 AM – 8:15 AM, Sunnyside Elementary School, Idaho Falls
11-13 Idaho State Volleyball Championships: Mountain View Event Center, Pocatello
12 Spring Mini-Cassia Craft Fair: Fine art, fine craft, crafts, flea market, commercial/retail, homegrown products and antique/collectibles exhibitors, and food booths. Admission tickets are $4. Burley
19 “Intimate and Elegant”: Idaho Falls Symphony performance. 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM, Civic Center for the Performing Arts, 501 S Holmes Ave., Idaho Falls
19 Masterworks Concert with BYU-Idaho Symphony–Rexburg: 7 PM, Barrus Concert Hall – BYU-Idaho, Rexburg
24-26 Pocatello Spring Fair: This year’s Fair will host more than 200 vendors offering products and services related to all things related to cars, homes, and more. Thursday, Noon-9 PM; Friday, Noon-10pm; Saturday, 10 AM – 7 PM. Idaho State University Holt Arena, Pocatello
26 The Spinning Tales of Peter Pan & Cinderella on Ice: Sit on the edge of your seats as professional champion ice skaters, Broadway level singers, and cirque performers captivate you in a world where magic is real, adventure is epic, and love is harmonious.
Adult $20-$25, Child $10-Child $15.
Stephens Center, ISU, Pocatello
31 Bedtime Stories: 3:30 PM, Marshall Public Library, Pocatello
Southern Idaho
3-6 “The Addams Family” Play: A comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family. For all ages. 7:30 PM Thursday through Saturday; 2:00 PM Saturday and Sunday. Tickets: $15. CSI Fine Arts Theater, Twin Falls
5 Free Boat Safety Course: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM,
Cassia County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Building, Burley
12 St. Patrick’s Fun Run & Walk: 8 AM – 3 PM, Malad Gorge State Park, Hagerman
18 Musicians Brent Jensen and Bill Anschell: All ages. $10/adults, $8/seniors, or $6/students. 7:30 PM – 9 PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
Northern Idaho
3-6 Home & Garden Show: Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
4-6 Harry W. Lee Squirt Hockey Classic: Palouse Ice Rink, Moscow
5 Moscow Spring Market: There will be an array of vendors selling original works or locally grown or produced artisan items. Hours: 9 AM – 1 PM, 1912 Center, Moscow
6 Concert 5 – Masterworks for Winds: Washington Idaho Symphony, 3 PM – 5 PM, Silverthorne Theatre, Lewiston
7-28 Pre-School Story Time: MONDAYS. 11 AM,
Public Library, Priest Lake
9 Well~Read Morning Book Club: Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
12 Moscow Cabin Fever Spin: Moscow is home to a wide array of fiber artists and so much talent-and March is cabin fever time. $2 suggested donation at the door, proceeds go towards kids’ knitting groups in the community. 9 AM – 4 PM, Latah County Fairgrounds, Moscow
14 High School Music Concert: 7 PM, Grangeville High School, Grangeville
25-27 Blues Festival: The Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene
26 AKA Spring Open: JiuJitsu Tournament. $5 admission for anybody who is not competing. North Idaho College Christian Gymnasium, 1000 W Garden Ave, Coeur d’Alene