Silvercreek Realty Group is excited to share our latest initiative, “Serving Seniors in Idaho,” as we embark on a heartfelt journey to make a positive impact on the lives of older adults in our communities. Here are three meaningful ways our real estate agents and community members can get involved and make a difference:
1. Donate to Local Nonprofits
The Heart of Giving:
Our first avenue of contribution revolves around supporting local nonprofits that specialize in serving seniors. Housing and food insecurity are challenges faced by many older adults, and through financial contributions, our agents can play a crucial role in alleviating these concerns.
How to Make a Difference:
Consider donating to the following organizations, as selected by the Silvercreek Gives committee members throughout Idaho:
Treasure Valley: Metro Meals on Wheels, Local Senior Centers
Magic Valley: Twin Falls Senior Center
North Idaho: On Site for Seniors, Area Agency On Aging Of North Idaho, Post Falls Senior Center
North Central Idaho: Lewiston-Clarkston Valley Meals on Wheels
Idaho Falls: Idaho Falls Senior Citizen’s Center
Pocatello: Meals on Wheels or the Idaho Foodbank
2. Volunteer at Events Throughout the State
Hands-On Compassion:
For those agents who prefer a hands-on approach, we offer various volunteering opportunities throughout Idaho. Join us for one of these upcoming events:
- Treasure Valley: Partnering with Meals on Wheels to change smoke detector batteries and furnace filters for elderly residents. Contact Kristin Cole for details: kristin@silvercreekrealty.com.
- Magic Valley: Walking pets for seniors in the community, ensuring their furry companions receive the care and attention they deserve. Contact Cynthia Chugg for details: cynthiachugg@gmail.com.
- North Idaho: Serving a warm and hearty meal to seniors at The Cove, fostering a sense of community and companionship. Contact Shannon Knight for details: homeswithKnight@gmail.com.
- Idaho Falls: Delivering meals to senior centers. Contact Rachel Buys for details: rachel@silvercreekrealty.com.
- Pocatello: Volunteering for the Idaho Foodbank to package meals for seniors. Contact Char Fehringer for details: char@silvercreekrealty.com.
3. Learn About Seniors’ Needs
Understanding the unique housing needs and challenges faced by seniors is crucial to our mission. Join us at our company sales meeting on March 5th for a comprehensive overview about the unique housing challenges seniors face and programs available to help.
Silvercreek Sales Meeting
Housing Challenges and Solutions for Seniors
March 5th, 2024
10am – 11:15am MST
Live at the Silvercreek Meridian office or live stream at www.silvercreektv.com
Additionally, explore the Idaho Commission on Aging’s website at https://aging.idaho.gov/advocate/ to delve deeper into advocacy efforts for seniors in our state.
We invite all Silvercreek Realty Group agents to join us in these three impactful ways, whether through donations, hands-on volunteering, or gaining knowledge about the needs of seniors. Together, we can create a brighter and more compassionate future for the seniors who have given so much to our communities.