The holidays are our favorite time of the year! As people cozy up, beautiful lights twinkle on every street and our hearts are turned to those we love.
While we cherish the warmth of our homes, bellies full of our favorite foods, and gifts shared among friends and family, not all in our communities share these comforts and luxuries. We seek to bring hope this holiday season to those experiencing hard times.
In 2020, the agent community and staff at Silvercreek Realty Group were able to pool approximately $10,000 to bless families and seniors throughout the State of Idaho. In 2021 we hope to do the same – if not more! We have adopted families and/or seniors for Christmas in all of our major areas (Treasure Valley, Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, and Couer d’Alene). Additional funds raised will allow us to adopt more families and donate to local organizations in need.
Get involved:
Sign up to purchase a gift for a child or senior:
Treasure Valley: https://bit.ly/TVGives21
Twin Falls: https://bit.ly/TFGives2021
Idaho Falls: https://bit.ly/IFGives2021
- Paypal:
- Venmo: @silvercreekgives
- Donate with credit or debit card: https://bit.ly/silvercreekgivesdonation
- Are you a Silvercreek Agent? Contact Kristin Cole to have a one time donation added to your monthly agent bill (kristin@silvercreekrealty.com | 208-371-8848)
No donation or contribution is too small – as a little bit can add up to a lot and bless those in need. Thank you for your support and involvement this holiday season!
A special thank you to the Silvercreek Realty Group philanthropy committee for leading a culture of giving at our brokerage and in the communities we serve! Kristin Cole (Silvercreek staff), Pam Grove (Treasure Valley), Shelley Wallace (Treasure Valley), Stephanie Rohrdanz(Treasure Valley), Cynthia Chugg (Twin Falls), Ruby Walsh (Pocatello), Becca Lords (Idaho Falls)