Bringing uplifting support to medically fragile children and their families.
Light When Skies Are Gray
Over 3,000 families in the Treasure Valley are caring for a medically fragile child – a child with a rare disease, disability, or condition that impairs their quality of daily life. For many of these families, their world circles around caring for their remarkable child. Doctors appointments, feedings, managing medications, administering therapies, assistance through daily activities, and more. This creates many limitations for families as there are immense needs that can be challenging to fill on an ongoing basis. For this reason, Rays for Rare was created.
When Megan and Corey Schomer’s son, Corwyn, was born with a rare brain malformation, their life was consumed with caring for their precious boy. They found many resources when they were at the hospital, but had access limited help and support when they were home. After Corwyn passed away, Megan knew there was a need to fill.
Rays for Rare provides uplifting support to families through family events, housekeeping services, meal cards, snow removal, lawn mowing, care boxes, support groups, and more. Though simple acts, they are hugely impactful for families facing difficult circumstances. A true LIGHT when skies are gray.
See what one family has to say:
Learn more about Rays for Rare: www.raysforrare.org